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2025 State Testing

Below are the 2025 PSSA & Keystone Testing Dates. Please refrain from scheduling family trips on these days. We suggest medical appointments be made for the afternoon as the testing will require most of the morning.
April 22, 23, & 24 - PSSA English & Language Arts
April 29 & 20 - PSSA Mathematics
May 6 & 7 - PSSA & Local Science
May 14 & 15 - Keystone Algebra

Donations needed

f you would like to help, donations can be made to Penn Middle School, ℅ Landram’s Light, 1007 Penn Middle Way, Jeannette, PA 15644. Or, if you find yourself with extra Kohl’s Cash and would like to donate to the cause, it would be greatly appreciated, as we purchase the cozy blankets through Kohl’s.

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