Penn Middle Student Congress Earns Top Spot at Competition

On March 21, the Penn Middle School gifted students competed in a Student Congress competition as part of the Westmoreland County Gifted Coalition.  The event took place at Greensburg Salem Middle School.  

Students were given six government bills to research. Students chose to take either a pro or con stance for each bill, then wrote a 2-3 minute speech in support of their position. Speeches were delivered to an audience of peers, and a team of Greensburg Salem High School teachers acted as judges. 


The Penn Middle School team placed first out of the six schools in attendance. In addition, PMS 8th-grader Caeley Simon took second place in the individual category.


(Left to right) Grady Swartz, Caeley Simon, Chloe Yun, Riley Joyce, and Cienna Oien

(Left to right) Grady Swartz, Caeley Simon, Chloe Yun, Riley Joyce, and Cienna Oien


Caeley Simon with her 2nd-place certificate

Caeley Simon with her 2nd-place certificate