New ‘Care Closet’ Established at Penn Middle School

At Penn Middle School, teacher Dr. Katie Datz established a new ‘Care Closet’ to help support students who need resources like clothing, hygiene products, and school supplies.


Datz received donations from a DonorsChoose crowdfunding campaign and an Amazon Wish List. 


“The objective is to ensure that students in need can focus on their education without worry,” says Datz.  “The care closet helps improve students' self-esteem and academic performance. Additionally, it promotes a sense of community and empathy among students as they see their school taking active steps to support their peers.”


Students can obtain resources from the closet by letting any teacher or staff member know of a need, no questions asked.  Staff can contact the school counselor or nurse if they suspect a student may need supplies. 


The Care Closet will be available year-round.  Donors may contribute via the Amazon wish list or check payable to Penn Middle School.


Nick Eremic helps to install clothing bars in the Care Closet space

Nick Eremic helps to install clothing bars in the Care Closet space


Kayla Kennelly, Megan Prater, and Olivia Price hang clothing in the closet

Kayla Kennelly, Megan Prater, and Olivia Price hang clothing in the closet


A selection of clothing is available for students to choose from

A selection of clothing is available for students to choose from


The closet is stocked with clothing, hygiene products, and school supplies

The closet is stocked with clothing, hygiene products, and school supplies


To donate via the Amazon Wish List, please scan this QR code with your phone

To donate via the Amazon Wish List, please scan this QR code with your phone or visit