Gym Classes Compete in Cupid Shuffle

At Penn Middle School, physical education classes participated in a “Cupid Shuffle Relay” in honor of Valentine’s Day.  Students were put on teams and assigned a heart pattern. Team members took turns using a scooter to zip around the gym in search of their patterned hearts hidden beneath cones.  The first team to find all seven of their hearts was declared the winner.


One of the winning teams included (seated) Liam Heslop, (standing) Ziva Lapcevic, Gemma Yorio, Jackson Burger, Owen Dandar, and Colton Wonnacott

One of the winning teams included (seated) Liam Heslop, (standing) Ziva Lapcevic, Gemma Yorio, Jackson Burger, Owen Dandar, and Colton Wonnacott


Teammates (seated) Blake Telenko, (standing) Logan Bolton, Ben Nicolosi, and Mateo Drenning

Teammates (seated) Blake Telenko, (standing) Logan Bolton, Ben Nicolosi, and Mateo Drenning