Parent Resources » Resources and Links

Resources and Links

Arrival / Dismissal Procedures

Absence Excuse:
Please email absence excuses to [email protected] with the following information:
  1. Student’s full name

  2. Grade level

  3. Homeroom Number

  4. Specific date of absence (i.e. 11/9/2011) 

  5. Reason for absence

  6. Parent/guardian signature and phone number

Early Dismissal:
If your child needs to be dismissed early for any reason please email ([email protected]) with the following information:
  1. Student’s full name

  2. Grade level

  3. Homeroom Number

  4. Specific date of absence (i.e. 11/9/2011) and time (i.e. 1:30 pm)

  5. Reason for absence

  6. Parent/guardian signature and phone number

If your child will be parent pick up please email the students 8th period teacher so they are aware; mark if this will be a daily event or specific day(s).