Penn-Trafford Names March 2022 “Students of the Month” (3-9-22) Students are recognized at School Board Meeting
Students Compete in Piano and Strings (3-7-22) TMS hosts competition of middle and high school musicians
Middle School Students Experience Financial Reality (2-22-22) Thank you to PHEPLE Credit Union for teaching our students valuable life lessons
PT Schools Acquire Robotics Equipment (2-21-22) New Lego robot kits will familiarize middle school students with engineering and programming concepts
PT Students Earn Literary Awards (2-18-22) Middle schoolers from both Penn and Trafford write and illustrate "Plant Love Stories"
Students Develop Architecture Proposals (2-3-22) Architect visits PTHS to provide guidance for students
Top Fundraisers Earn Field Trip (1-26-22) Penn & Trafford Middle School students raise a whopping $19,000!