Parent Resources » Parent Emails for 24-25

Parent Emails for 24-25

Parent Email for February 2
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy February! 
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, predicting 6 more weeks of winter. Do we really put stock in this tradition? Personally, I'm a fair-weather Phil person. When he sees his shadow, I remind myself he's right about 40% of the time. When he doesn’t, I'm ready to break out the shorts!
As we step into this new month, we're excited to continue our collaborative efforts to support your child's growth and success. February invites us to reflect on progress but also stay focused as we navigate through the school year.
We have several important updates, events, and opportunities ahead. Please take a moment to review what's coming up in the weeks ahead.
Thank you, as always, for your support.
Jim Simpson

Water Bottles
As of last Monday, January 27, students are no longer permitted to carry water bottles throughout the day.  The classroom distractions caused by these bottles needed to be resolved. Please understand, students can keep a water bottle in their lockers and we have water fountains that students can use from class to class.

Biztown Permission Forms
Just a reminder to parents of 6th-grade students, Biztown permission forms are due on Friday, February 7th. Biztown is an excellent field trip with half the 6th-grade going on March 26 and the other on March 27.  We want every 6th-grader to be able to attend. Please contact Mrs. Schrinel ([email protected]) in the guidance office if you need another permission form.

Financial Reality Fair
All 8th-grade students will be traveling to Trafford Middle School on Friday, February 7th to participate in the Financial Reality Fair. The Financial Reality Fair is designed to simulate real-world financial scenarios for our students. It's an interactive experience where the kids make financial decisions similar to those they'll face as adults, such as budgeting, managing expenses, and dealing with unexpected costs. Students travel through various stations representing different aspects of personal finance, like housing, transportation, healthcare, technology, and savings. The goal is to educate participants about financial literacy and help them understand the financial challenges they may encounter in their lives. We will depart from Penn Middle at 8am and return by 1:30pm. Please email our counselor, Mrs. Schrinel ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

2025 State Testing
Below are the 2025 PSSA & Keystone Testing Dates.  Please refrain from scheduling family trips on these days.  We suggest medical appointments be made for the afternoon as the testing will require most of the morning.
April 22, 23, & 24 - PSSA ELA 
April 29 & 30 - PSSA Math
May 6 & 7 - PSSA & Local Science 
May 14 & 15 - Keystone Algebra 

Book Fair - We need more parents volunteers!
The Penn Middle School book fair is next week -  Feb 10th -13th! Students will attend with their reading teacher on assigned days and have opportunities to stop down during free time. Parent volunteers are needed! There are morning and afternoon shifts available.  Use the link below to sign up!
You must have clearances on file with the school. Any questions regarding the book fair can be directed to Heather Baker ([email protected]). Thank you!

Spring Sports
Junior High Baseball
7th and 8th graders interested in trying out for Jr High Baseball are invited to attend winter workouts on Saturdays in February (1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd). The workouts are at the hitting center located behind the concession stand at the football field from 10am-1pm.  You can email Coach Stott with any questions ([email protected]).

MS Girls Softball
Any current 7th or 8th grade girl who is interested in playing middle school softball, please email Coach Bacco at ([email protected]) or Coach Rubright at ([email protected]). 

Boys' Middle School Volleyball - New sport for 2025
The boys' middle school volleyball team will begin tryouts on March 17.  The schedule for tryouts will be announced.  7th and 8th grade boys interested in playing should contact Coach Schall ([email protected]) for a schedule of open gyms.
Sign ups for the team will be open on Monday, February 4.

MS Girls Volleyball Scrimmages
Please note that the scrimmages listed below are considered practices and are not open to spectators - parents, family, or otherwise.   
Feb. 4 at Trafford vs FR
Feb. 4 at Penn Middle vs Indiana
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Important reminders about sports participation
Any student-athlete earning a failing grade in a core subject will be ineligible to participate until all grades are passing. A coach or sponsor may also communicate additional/higher academic expectations for players.
Students must be in attendance by 9:30 am on the day of an event or they will not be permitted to participate.

Upcoming Events
Feb 5 - Club Day
Feb 6 - Teen Savers
Feb 7 - 8th-grade Reality Fair
Feb 10-13 - PTO Book Fair 
Feb 12  - Midpoint of Q3 and PTO Mtg at 7 pm
Feb 13 - CWCTC Assembly for all students
Feb 17 - Presidents’ Day - No school for students
Feb 19 - Club Day
Feb 26 - SC fundraiser reward trip to Urban Air
Mar 5 - Club Day
Mar 6 - Teen Savers
Mar 9 - Daylight Savings - Spring Forward
Mar  18 - End of Q3
Mar 19 - Club Day & Spring Band Concert
Mar 25 - Report Cards Posted to Powerschool
Mar 26 - Spring Chorus Concert
Mar 26 & 27 - 6th-grade JA Biztown field trip
January 13 Parent Email

PTO Bookfair

The Penn Middle School book fair is returning Feb 10th -13th. Students will attend with their ELA teacher on assigned days and have opportunities to stop down during free time. Parent volunteers are needed! There are morning and afternoon shifts available. Please only sign up for ONE shift. If not all shifts are taken, we will then allow multiple shifts. Use the link below to sign up.  Thank you in advance for making yourself available to help.

You must have clearances on file with the school. Any questions regarding the book fair can be directed to Heather Baker ([email protected]).

Welcome Mr. Farabik

Adam Farabik is our new science 7 & 8 science teacher, replacing Mr. Konopka.   He attended Duquesne University and lives in Export.   His experience includes field placements in a variety of urban and suburban schools, as well as several years of educational roles in both the Penn-Trafford School District and Highlands School District. He is excited to be part of the Penn-Trafford community and looks forward to working with the exceptional staff and students here.

Girls MS Volleyball Sign-ups

7th & 8th-grade girls must be cleared with an active physical and imPACT test in order to participate in tryouts on Monday, January 27.  Registration/Sign Ups for 7/8 Girls Volleyball will CLOSE on Thursday, January 23rd.  You can NOT sign up after this date at 8:00pm.

The link to register is below, please don’t wait until the 23rd to begin the registration process.  If your daughter is interested, I suggest registering today.

Door Security Update

Previously, we kept one door open from 3:00 to 7:00 PM, to allow parents and students to return to the building for forgotten items. However, after reviewing this practice, we have decided to keep all doors locked for safety reasons.

If your child forgets an important item, please call by 3:30 PM or email me at [email protected]. I will do my best to assist, either by returning to the building myself or coordinating with a custodian to meet you at the door.

Please note, this system is not foolproof. While I check my email regularly, I may not see your message immediately—especially in the evening. The closer to dismissal you contact me, the better the chance we can help you retrieve the item. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in prioritizing safety.

Semester Change

Today, Monday, January 13 is the end of the 1st semester. Student schedules will change for the 2nd semester on Tuesday January 14. Students’ core classes (Math, ELA, Science, & Social Studies) will not change, only specials, such as Computers, Art, Music, and Physical  Education will change.  Every student received an updated copy of their schedule in homeroom this morning.  If you want to digitally review the schedule with your child, log on to the parent portal app, click on classes, then on top of the page click on Q3. Your child's schedule for the 3rd quarter will be listed.  Just to be clear, Semester 1 (S1) consists of Quarter 1 (Q1) and Quarter 2 (Q2), Semester 2 (S2) consists of Quarter 3 (Q3) and Quarter 4 (Q4).

Upcoming Events

Jan 20

  • MLK Day - Teacher Professional Development - no school for Students

  • Report Cards Posted on Powerschool Parent Portal

Jan 22 - Club Day

Feb 5 - Club Day

Feb 7

  • 7th-grade Dental check-ups

  • 8th-grade Reality Fair at TMS

Feb 10-13 Book Fair

Feb 12 - Midpoint of Q3

Feb 13 - Central Westmoreland Career and Tech Center (CWCTC) Roadshow to visit PM

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns,
Jim Simpson
[email protected]
Jim Simpson posted in Penn Middle School
January 1 Parent Email
Dear Parents and Guardians,

School resumes tomorrow, January 2nd.  As we step into 2025, we are excited to embark on a new year filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and connection. 

As we begin the new year, we are re-committed to fostering an environment where every student feels supported, challenged, and inspired. Our dedicated teachers and staff are here to guide your children through an engaging curriculum, meaningful extracurricular activities, with an emphasis on individual accountability.

We value the partnership between home and school and encourage open communication throughout the year. Together, we can ensure that your child’s middle school experience is not only successful but also memorable and transformative.

Let’s make 2025 a year of achievement and celebration!

After School Math Tutoring
We are pleased to announce that Penn Middle School will offer After-School Math Tutoring beginning in January. The benefit of the program is to help your child get the extra support they may need for their math class. This can range from working on homework, reviewing for a test, reviewing concepts that a student is struggling with, or helping a student catch-up on work they have missed due to an absence.  After-School Math Tutoring will begin Tuesday, January 7.
LOCATION: Penn Middle School Room 115
DAYS: Every Tuesday & Thursday 
TIME: 3:00 - 4:00 PM

Transportation is NOT provided and is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Please be in the front parking lot by 3:55pm for pick-up. 
If you are planning to have your child stay for tutoring, please contact Mrs. Bondra ([email protected]) via email.  You must contact her before your child can attend.

Flexible Instruction Days (FID)
In previous emails, I have explained the FID process.  Please go to this link for an explanation of the process when we have to close school. 

Ordering is now open for this year's yearbook! The cost of the yearbook is $32.67 before tax. If you ordered last year, you should be able to log in and purchase one for this year.  There is an option for personalization pages in your child's yearbook. You do not have to do the personalization when you order.  You have until April 1st to personalize your child's pages.  If you haven't purchased before, please use our school code: 1016325111663265. 

Here is a link to purchase a yearbook. -

Please contact sponsor Heather Long ([email protected]) if you have any issues ordering.  If you would like to order a yearbook for a student from a less fortunate family, please send in a check to Miss Long in an envelope marked “additional yearbook”. Thank you in advance for considering this request!

What is Landram's Light?
Our friend, Jackie Landram, taught seventh grade English/Language Arts at Penn Middle School for 16 years.  She battled cancer for seven years; unfortunately, she lost her battle at age 44 on January 25, 2022. In an effort to keep her spirit and memory alive, her friends and colleagues formed the charitable organization Landram's Light.

What does Landram’s Light do?
Last year, Landram’s Light donated 50 tote bags (a canvas bag filled with a blanket, water bottle, beanie, puzzle books, hand sanitizer, lip balm, tissues,  hand warmers, and hard candy) for cancer patients at the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center in Monroeville. In addition, they provided over 75 holiday meals to families in the Penn-Trafford community and assisted multiple local families during family emergencies or tragedies. The funds used to support these activities are primarily raised through student events, such as school dances, a dodgeball tournament, teacher pie in the face contest, and district wide dress-down days for teachers.

Why Support Landram’s Light?
This year, we are noticing a greater need to help our community.  We had an increase in requests for our Thanksgiving dinner program, and are anticipating this trend to continue for our Christmas and Easter dinner programs.  In addition, we would like to increase our cancer tote donations from 50 to 100.  In order to meet this new demand, we are asking for your help.  Below is a QR code that will provide a direct link to the Landram’s Light Venmo account or if you would prefer to donate via check, make the check payable to Penn Middle School adding Landram's Light in the MEMO line (please drop it off at Penn Middle School or mail to: Penn Middle School, 1007 Penn Middle Way, Jeanette, PA 15644). Through our fundraising efforts and the community support, we are hoping to meet the needs of the Penn-Trafford community!
Please scan this QR code to make a donation to Landram’s Light.

 Please scan this QR code to visit the Landram’s Light website.

Thank you.

Upcoming Events
Jan 2 - First Day Back from Winter Break
Jan 6 - Mrs. Schrinel introduces HS scheduling process to 8th-grade students during SS class
Jan 8 - Club Day
Jan 9 - HS students meet with 8th-graders to discuss activities and opportunities at PTHS
Jan 13 - Last day of 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester
Jan 14 - First day of 3rd Quarter and 2nd Semester
Jan 20
   - MLK Day - Teacher Professional Development - no school for Students
   - Report Cards Posted on Powerschool Parent Portal
Jan 22 - Club Day
Feb 5 - Club Day
Feb 7 - 8th-grade Reality Fair at TMS
Feb 10-13 Book Fair

Thank you for your time and please contact me with any questions or concerns.

I hope your 2025 is fabulous!

Jim Simpson Principal
Penn Middle School
[email protected]
October 28 Parent Email
Hello Parents and Guardians,

Enjoy Halloween this Thursday - Trick or Treat is 6 to 8 pm.  Also, don't forget to "Fall Back" this weeked.  

Event Communications
Parents often ask, how do the middle schools share communications like the elementary schools share Take-Home-Tuesday information?   We don't send paper fliers home but all fliers are posted to our take-home Tuesday website please see the link below and bookmark for future reference.

Lunch Bunch
We are excited to offer a new opportunity for our 6th-grade students as they navigate the transition to middle school. Starting soon, our Bridges Therapist, Taylor Yuhasz, will be leading a "Lunch Bunch" group for 6th graders. This group is designed to provide a safe and supportive space for students to discuss the challenges they face as they adjust to middle school.
The Lunch Bunch will meet every Tuesday during lunch and will focus on helping students develop important life skills, including:
Coping strategies for managing stress
Social skills to help them form positive relationships
Techniques for handling the demands of school and social life
Building emotional maturity and responsible decision-making
Please note that space is limited to 10 students, and spots will be filled based on need. If you believe your child could benefit from joining, please let us know by October 25 to ensure they can be considered.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Schrinel. We appreciate your support as we work to help our students thrive during this important transition.

Student Council
Reminder to parents that the Student Council fundraiser pick up is Tuesday October 29 in the cafeteria from 5-7 PM.  Please contact Mrs. Yackvoich with any questions, [email protected].

From Nurse Stukus
Parents of 6th Graders - As part of Pennsylvania’s School Health requirements, all 6th graders are required to submit a physical/well child exam and updated immunizations to the school nurse.  If you haven’t submitted this already, please email a copy of the exam and updated immunizations to the school nurse at [email protected]   Blank Physical forms are located on the district website on the Health Services page.   CLICK here for Health Forms

Parents of 7th Graders -  As part of Pennsylvania’s School Health requirements, all 7th graders are required to submit a copy of a recent dental exam done within the last year. If you haven’t submitted this already, please email a copy of the dental exam to the school nurse at [email protected]  Blank Dental forms are located on the district website on the Health Services page. CLICK here for Health Forms

Drama Club News
Exciting news! This spring, Penn Middle Drama Club will present Mean Girls Jr., and for the first time, we’re inviting ALL students—not just current club members—to audition!
This is a fantastic opportunity for any student interested in acting, singing, and being part of a memorable performance. We encourage everyone, regardless of experience, to consider joining us for what promises to be a thrilling production.
Audition Details:
  • Audition Dates: November 5th & 6th after school 3:00 - 6:00 approx. (students must sign up in advance)
  • Callbacks: November 7th 5:30 - 8:30 (Callback list will be posted the night of November 6th - not everyone will get a callback)
Show Dates: April 25–27, 2025. Students can find more information about the audition process, including what to prepare, and sign up directly at
Whether you’re a seasoned performer or new to the stage, we can’t wait to see all the amazing talent Penn Middle School has to offer!

New Quarter
Today is the first day of the 2nd Quarter. Our students are generally “in the swing of things” by now and should have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.  This is much easier said than done, but I am pleased with our progress thus far. In any case, if your son or daughter is struggling with academics, friendships, or something else. Please contact the individual teacher, our counselor Mrs. Schrinel, or me.  We are ready to help.

1st Quarter Report Cards will be posted to PowerSchool this Friday November 1st.

Joking Around
Often when investigating a bullying report, an alleged bully will say "I was just joking around." Then the child and sometimes parents expect me to just give a warning about this "joking around" behavior. This is not going to happen.  If a child is "joking around" and doesn't realize he/she is causing another student distress, he/she should have known better and will be punished accordingly. I don't like to highlight negative issues, but we will not allow any type of bullying. If bullying is substantiated, discipline will fit the behavior.
If your child tells you about bullying behavior, we are ready to listen and investigate the issue; please have him/her see me, Mr. Waszo, or Mrs. Schrinel as soon as possible.  We also have the Safe2Say website, which accepts anonymous reports of bullying and/or related events. Lastly, we have two physical bully boxes, these are drop-off boxes for students to give us anonymous written notes of bullying reports.

Red Ribbon Week - October 28 to November 1 - Say NO to Drugs!

Upcoming Important Dates and Events
October 30 - Club Day
November 1 - Q1 Report Cards Posted
November 6 - Picture Make-up Day
November 7 - Teen Savers
November 8 - Intruder Drill
November 11 - Veterans Day - Staff Professional Development - No School for Students
November 13 - Club Day
November 20 - Student Council Mega Event
November 22 - 7th & 8th Band to Seton Hill
November 26 - Midpoint of Q2
November 27 - Early Dismissal Schedule
November 28 to Dec 2  - Thanksgiving Break 

Please email me ([email protected]) or call (724-744-4431) about any questions or concerns you have regarding your son or daughter.
Jim Simpson
  View, Appreciate or Reply
Parent Email for October 6

Hello to parents and guardians of Penn Middle School,

This week, Penn Middle School will celebrate GRIT week, a special tribute to our dear friend and colleague, Jackie Landram. Jackie bravely battled cancer for seven years, demonstrating Grace, Resilience, Integrity, and Tenacity, and inspiring all who knew her. In her memory, Jackie's friends and colleagues established Landram’s Light, a charitable organization dedicated to supporting others. Funds raised during this week's activities will support Landram’s Light in providing Cancer Totes for those fighting cancer and Holiday Meal Boxes for families in need. For more information about Landram’s Light or a list of activities, please visit Landram’s Light.

GRIT Week Spirit Events

  • Monday - Teal Day

  • Tuesday Class color day - 6th=Plaid, 7th=Camo, 8th=Neon

  • Wednesday - Penguins

  • Thursday - Kenny Chesney/Country

  • Friday - Fitness Wear for the Dodgeball Tournament

Reality Tour 

The Reality Tour is a parent/child drug-prevention experience with lasting impact. It provides the foundation for open discussion during the teen years.  

The Reality Tour Includes:

  • Dramatic presentation of choices made and consequences of a teen on drugs

  • Coping skills to use as a family

  • Q & A with youth in recovery

Requirements:  Your child must be at least 10 years old and attend with you. Parent  involvement is so critical to the experience.

Leaders at the Reality Tour are looking forward to another year of serving families in Westmoreland County with our drug prevention program. Their first program will be October 29th.  Here is the registrationlink:

First Club Day

Our first PTO Club Day is scheduled for October 16th, running from 9:30 to 10:00 am. We look forward to welcoming parents and community members back to Penn Middle School to lead clubs and enrich students' learning experiences in various subjects of interest.  If you are a first time club sponsor, please arrive at 9:10 for a brief meeting with me.

If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact our PTO President, Jamie Yaremko, at [email protected].  There are usually two club meetings per month.

If you would like to join the PTO, you can Venmo Jenny Martin our Treasurer @PennMiddlePTO.  The membership fee is $5.  Please give your first and last name.  You can also send in the membership fee with your child.


Please follow our Penn Middle Instagram page. Instagram is a free social media platform where we share photos, videos, and happenings at Penn Middle to connect school to home. Here is the link to our page:

Penn Middle Insta

2024-2025 Yearbook

Orders are open for this year's yearbook. The cost of the yearbook is $32.67 before tax. If you ordered last year, you should be able to log in and purchase one for this year.  There is an option for personalization pages in your child's yearbook. You do not have to do the personalization when you order.  You have until April 1st to personalize your child's pages.  If you haven't purchased before, please use our school code: 1016325111663265.  Here is a link to purchase a yearbook. -

Please contact sponsor Heather Long ([email protected]) if you have any issues ordering.  If you would like to order a yearbook for a student from a less fortunate family, please send in a check to Miss Long in an envelope marked “additional yearbook”. Thank you in advance for considering this request!

Events Calendar

October 7 to 11 - GRIT Week

October 10 - School Dance 6:30 to 8:30 - Informational Flier Attached

October 14 - No School for Students - Teacher Professional Development

October 25 - End of 1st Quarter

October 28 - Beginning of 2nd Quarter

October 31 - Halloween (There is no 2-hour delay on November 1st)

November 1 - Report Cards posted on Powerschool

November 6 - Picture Make-up Day

Thank you for taking time to review this email.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

jim Simpson
[email protected]
Parent Email for Sept 23

Parent Email Sep 23

🍂Happy Fall to all parents and guardians of PM Students,

I am resending this parent email.  I originally sent it yesterday, but for some reason, it didn't go out to all parents and staff.  If this is a duplicate for you, please delete.  I am still learning the new alert communication system.

Today is the midpoint of the 1st Quarter, your son or daughter should now be comfortable with his/her schedule.  Hopefully he or she is excited about the new year.  If there are any issues or questions you have, please feel free to contact the subject teacher, our counselor, or me.

Academic Struggles in class

What should you do as a parent if your child is struggling in school?

  1. Support at Home: Provide a supportive environment at home for studying and completing homework. Ensure they have a quiet place to work, necessary materials, and a regular schedule for study time.

  2. Encourage Communication: Keep open lines of communication with your child. Encourage them to talk about their challenges and frustrations with schoolwork. Has he or she visited the teacher during Personalized Learning Time (PLT) at the end of the day.  Are you checking the teacher lesson plans?

  3. Promote a Balanced Lifestyle: Ensure your child is getting enough sleep, proper nutrition, and physical activity. A balanced lifestyle can support their ability to focus and learn effectively.

  4. Identify the Issue: Talk to your child's teachers to understand specific areas where they are struggling. Is it in particular subjects, study habits, organization, or something else?

  5. Meet with Teachers: Schedule a meeting with your child's teachers to discuss their academic performance and any concerns you or they have. Ask about strategies for improvement and how you can support their learning at home.

  6. Stay Involved: Stay involved in their school activities and progress. Attend parent-teacher conferences and keep updated with their academic performance.  Check Powerschool once or twice a week, not every day.

  7. Seek Professional Help if Needed: If the struggles persist despite your efforts, consider seeking advice from our counselor, Mrs. Schrinel, or me.  

  8. Explore Tutoring or Extra Help: Look into tutoring programs either through the school or privately if your child needs additional help in certain subjects. 

Please know, our staff wants every student to find success here at Penn Middle.

7/8 Girls Basketball

7/8 Girls Basketball Starts September 30, 2024. Tryouts will be September 30 thru October 2 at Trafford Middle School from 3pm - 5pm. A Middle School shuttle provided from Penn to Trafford (Drop Only).  Mr. Fontana sent an email out to the parents of the girls that signed-up to try-out.  Contact him ([email protected])  if you have any questions.


Welcome back everyone! We hope that you had a fantastic summer and the new school year is off to a great start. The Penn Middle PTO has set up a Venmo account so that membership dues and donations can be made more easily. 

You can Venmo Jenny Martin our Treasurer @PennMiddlePTO.  The membership fee is $10.  Please give your first and last name.

Club Sign-ups are this week during lunches

  • Tuesday - 8th

  • Wednesday - 7th

  • Thursday - 6th

Clubs offerings are Chess, Diamond Art, Board-gaming, Bible, Fantasy Sports, Cooking, Firefighters, Drama, Kindness, Karate, & STEM.  Until we have sponsors for previous clubs like photography and Legos, we cannot have these clubs. Please contact our PTO President, Jaime Evanuik at [email protected] if interested in sponsoring a club.  Clubs are offered twice a month from 9:30 to 10am.

Community Info/Take Home Tuesday Page

Please visit the info page on the Penn Middle Website often.  There are numerous district and community flyers for students and residents.

Upcoming Events Calendar

  • Spirit Week - all this week

  • Oct 3 - Teen Savers during Homeroom

  • Oct 4 - Motivational BMX Assembly

  • Oct 12 - Drama Club Workshop (See Flyer Below)

  • Oct 14 - Teacher Professional Development Day - No School for Students

  • Oct 25 - End of First Quarter

PSSA Results

PSSA Results can now be found in PowerSchool by using the PowerSchool Website, NOT the app. Click on Student Reports then PSSA Scores to view results.  

Our students will also bring a physical copy of their scores home this week.  If you have any questions after reviewing the information, please feel free to contact Mrs. Schrinel ([email protected]), our counselor.

Upcoming Drama Club Workshop


Please contact me with any questions or concerns regarding your son or daughter.
Jim Simpson
[email protected]
Penn Middle Parent Email for Sept 10

Penn Middle Families,

We hope your September is off to a great start, please review all the important announcements below.
Jim Simpson

PT Hoops

PT Travel Basketball Tryouts - Today, Tuesday the 10th, is the last day to sign up.

  • To register please go to:

  • Registration will close Tuesday night at 11:59pm.  Once registration is closed, a tryout schedule will be created and sent out. 

  • Note: This is our first season using this website so please message us on Facebook or email us at [email protected] if you have any issues.

PTARC or In-house Basketball sign-ups are also currently taking place. 

  • Here is a link for sign-ups.  

  • Deadline to sign-up for PTARC in-house is September 30.

PT Travel Basketball and PTARC In-house Basketball are two separate organizations.

9/11 Remembrance

We have an important plan for commemorating the upcoming 9/11 anniversary on Wednesday. Throughout the morning, we will make brief announcements over the PA system, starting at 8:15 AM when the First Tower was hit and ending around 10:30 AM when the Second Tower fell. These announcements will recreate the timeline of events from that day in 2001, offering a glimpse of what it was like. There will be approximately 6-7 announcements in total, each providing key updates from that time. We hope this helps our students better understand the significance of 9/11 and its impact. Thank you for your participation and remembrance.

Picture Day is Wednesday September 18

Students will bring home a flier with a unique access code.  Parents will use this access code to choose and order picture sets online.  Student pictures are taken during the morning from 8 to 10 am. Each student will be given a form that contains their unique access code and the website where to go to view the image.  Parents should also get an email from JN Photos when the images are online.  Please allow up to 3 weeks for images to be posted online.  If for some reason you do not like your proof a makeup day will be scheduled at a later date in October. Any questions please feel free to reach out to JN Photos at 724-382-4177 or [email protected]

Care Closet

The Care Closet was recently established to provide essential resources like clothing, hygiene products, and school supplies to students in need, ensuring they can focus on their education without worry. It fosters a supportive and inclusive environment, promoting equity and well-being for all students.

On behalf of Penn Middle School, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your generous donations to our care closet. Your support plays a crucial role in ensuring that our students have access to essential items they need, helping them focus on their education and well-being. We deeply appreciate your commitment to supporting our students and fostering a positive school culture. If anyone wishes to make further donations, you can do so through our Amazon wish list or drop donations off at Penn Middle. Again, thank you for your generosity! - Dr. Datz

Student Council Fundraiser

We are 4 days into our Fundraiser. Let's make this your best fundraiser ever! Now would be great time to:

1. Register your student at

2. You can enter your contacts in the "Contacts" section for automatic emails to friends and family.  This way they pay online and have it delivered directly to them.

3.  All orders are due by September 24th.  If you are turning in the cookie and popcorn order form, make sure all checks are made out to Penn Middle School.

4.  Check the school website for more information and prize list.

Upcoming Events

  • September 18  - Picture Day

  • September 23 - Midpoint of Quarter 1

  • Spirit Week - Sept 23-27

    • 23 - America - Red White Blue

    • 24 - Twin 👬 Day 

    • 25 - Soccer ⚽ Mom & BBQ🧑‍🍳Dad

    • 26 - Jersey Day 👕

    • 27 - Whiteout 🏳️

  • October 3 - Teen Savers during Homeroom

  • October 14 - Teacher Professional Development Day - No school for students

  • October 25 - End of 1st Quarter 

Please email or call me if you have any questions or concerns.

Jim Simpson
[email protected]
Penn Middle School
Welcome to Penn Middle School for the 24-25 School Year

Parents and Guardians of Penn Middle School Students,

I am so glad to welcome your family to Penn Middle School.  This is going to be an outstanding year. Please review the information below and contact me if you have any questions.

Open House is tonight August 21 from 6 to 8 pm

Parents of students in grades 6, 7, & 8 will follow their child's daily schedule during the evening. A time schedule is listed below and a map of the building is attached. Please take time before Open House to review your child's schedule on Powerschool and location of rooms. 

During each open house, teachers will share a brief outline of the course content, classroom procedures, and other pertinent information.  Open House is not a time to talk about specific concerns regarding your child. Individual parent conferences can be arranged at a later date as needed. 

Due to space limitations, students and other siblings should NOT come to Open House. Lastly, parking space is at a premium, so I suggest carpooling.

Please use the chart below to write down your child’s schedule or you can you the Powerschool App.





























Attendance - Parent/Guardian excuses when students are absent

When your child is absent from school you will need to either send the excuse in with your child to give to their homeroom teacher or email the absence excuse to [email protected] with the following information:

  1. Student’s full name

  2. Grade level

  3. Homeroom Number

  4. Specific date of absence (i.e. 11/9/2024) 

  5. Reason for absence

  6. Parent/guardian signature and phone number

All absences will be marked (U) or Unexcused absence until we receive the excuse for absence. If the excuse is not received within 3 days the absence will remain unexcused. 

Care Closet

This year, we are excited to establish a "Care Closet" at Penn Middle. Our goal is to provide clothing, shoes, hygiene products, and school supplies to students in need. If you have items to donate, we would greatly appreciate your contributions. Travel-sized toiletries like toothpaste and body wash are especially welcome, as well as clothing donations, from shirts and pants to shoes and coats, in good condition. In addition to this, here is a link to our Amazon wish list. You can also purchase items on the list at any store you wish for cheaper prices. The Amazon list serves as a guide to what we are looking for. We will happily take any donations. You can contact Dr. Datz directly with any questions at [email protected]

Picture Day is Wednesday September 18

Every student will be photographed on Wednesday September 18 for our school yearbook.  Student pictures are taken during the morning from 8 to 10 am. Each student will be given a form that contains their unique access code and the website where to go to view the image.  Parents should also get an email from JN Photos when the images are online.  Please allow up to 3 weeks for images to be posted online.  If for some reason you do not like your proof a makeup day will be scheduled at a later date in October. Any questions please feel free to reach out to JN Photos at 724-382-4177 or [email protected]

Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones will remain in student lockers during the school day.  Cell phones will not be used in class, during study hall, or during lunch.  Students may check their cell phones between class changes.  During the end of the day PLT, students are permitted to use their cell phones.  

We instituted this change based on disruptions to the learning environment and social media bullying during the day, but mainly for socialization.  Our children need to learn to communicate with each other, it is that simple.  I have to admit lunch times are much noisier than the recent past, but this is a good thing.  Kids are talking with each other and interacting, not just sitting by each other scrolling on their phones.


Please follow our Penn Middle Instagram page. Instagram is a free social media platform where we share photos, videos, and positive happenings at Penn Middle to connect school to home. Here is the link to our page:

Penn Middle Insta

Picture Opt-out - Often we take pictures of students and post on our Instagram site or another district publication.  If you do not want your child photographed, please email me ([email protected]) before September 1, 2024. 


Upcoming Events

August 21 - Penn Middle Open House - 6pm to 8pm

  • Parents will walk their child’s schedule.  Parents should begin in their child’s first period class at 6pm.k

  • Students should NOT attend Open House 

August 22 - First Student Day

September 2 - No School Labor Day

September 5 - Teen Savers during Homeroom

September 6 - Student Council Fundraiser Cherrydale Kickoff

September 18  - Picture Day

September 23 - Midpoint of Quarter 1

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to be “up to date” on events here at Penn Middle School.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Jim Simpson

[email protected]


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Jim Simpson posted in Penn Middle School, PMS Staff, PMS Teachers
July 25 Penn Middle Parent Email

To the parents & guardians of Penn Middle Students,

Hello, Jim Simpson here. I hope your summer continues to be relaxing and enjoyable. Hard to believe, but a month from today we will already have two school days completed.

Please review the information in this email and contact me with any questions or concerns.

Upcoming Important Dates

August 9 at 4pm - Students schedules can be viewed in the Powerschool Parent Portal

August 12-15 - Students can "walk" their schedules anytime from 9 am to 3 pm. 

August 12 from 6 to 7:30 pm - 6th-Grade Orientation in our Auditorium.  Parents and our new 6th-graders should attend.

Bus cards containing your child’s bus-stop location, pick-up and drop-off time, and bus number should arrive the week of August 12.  If you don’t receive a card by the 19th, please call First Student at 724-863-1185 (option1). 

August 19 - Make-up Activities for students on vacation from August 12-15.

  • 9am to 3pm - Make-up Schedule Walk 

  • 4pm

    • Make-up Orientation for 6th-grade in Library

    • New 7th & 8th-grade student orientation in room 111.

August 21 from 6 to 8 pm - Penn Middle Open House - Only parents should attend.

August 22 - First Student Day


Suggested School Supplies

Suggested Supplies for each student this year.

  • ELA, Math and Science - 1” or 1.5"  3-Ring Binder and notebook or notebook paper (one for each subject).

  • Social Studies and Foreign Language - Folder with pockets (one for each subject).

  • Physical Education - Suggested PE dress - athletic shoes that tie, T-shirt (color doesn’t matter), and athletic shorts or sweats (must meet school requirements for length).  Dressing for PE is OPTIONAL.  PE teachers will explain this procedure on the first day of school.

Penn-Trafford Warriors Athletics

Fall 2024 Practice/Tryout Schedule for Middle Schools

ALL TEAMS that require tryouts will have a minimum of 3 sessions. The process will be explained to students and parents prior to starting tryouts.  You can not try out if you are not cleared through ArbiterSports before all posted deadlines.  Only pre-approved medical excuses will suffice.

7th & 8th Grade Cross Country (Boys and Girls):

Monday, August 12 when the fall season officially begins. At that time mandatory practices will be held Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 10am at the High School.  Meet by the Fitness Center/Gymnasium area.  

Coach: Paul Conrad    Email:


7th & 8th Grade Football: 

Mandatory Heat Week - Heat week Monday, August 12 to Friday, August 16 from 8:30 am-11:00 am at PMS.

Regular Practice begins daily on August 19 from 3:30 to 6pm.

Coach: Kerry Yacamelli    Email:

7th & 8th Grade Boys Soccer:

Tryout Info:  Monday, August 12th, 13th, 14th at Trafford Middle School from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM.  Practices will begin Monday, August 19th from 3:30 to 5:00 pm.  Once school begins, PMS students that made the team will be bussed to TMS.

Coach: John Carlisle    Email:

7th & 8th Grade Girls Soccer:

Tryouts begin Tuesday, August 13, Wednesday, Aug. 14th and Thursday, Aug. 15th 11:30 am - 1:00 pm at Trafford Middle School

Practices will then begin on Monday, August 19 Mon - Thurs 3:30 - 5:00 pm.  Once school begins, PMS students that made the team will be bussed to TMS. 

Coach: Kellie Walker    Email:

7th & 8th Grade Swimming (Boys and Girls):

MS swimming will start Tuesday, September 3 from 3:30 pm-5:00 pm at the HS pool. Practices will be weekdays 3:30 pm-5:00 pm.  Swimmers will be bussed from PMS to the HS daily.

Coach: Dave Babik        Email:



Free or Reduced Meal Application

Attached to this email is the 2024-2025 K-8 Free/Reduced Meal Application packet that needs to be distributed the first day of school to every student.   We will no longer distribute paper copies on the first day of school.  You can also do this electronically by navigating to this page, Free/Reduced Meal Application, and click on the link in the right green pane.

Thank you for your time,

Jim Simpson

[email protected]


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